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Empowering People, Launching lives

Welcome to the BeyondAutism blog

Read stories from people with autism, their families and the people who work with them.



12th July 2024

5 mins read

Supporting mental health at school

Issues with mental health affect around three quarters of autistic children and adults. Take a look at our blog highlighting some great strategies and techniques to support autistic learners at school

7th March 2024

4 mins read

What is Pathological Demand Avoidance?

What are the typical characteristics associated with a PDA profile? And how can people with a PDA profile be appropriately supported? Find out answers to these questions on more in our latest blog

13th February 2024

5 mins read

Autism and emotional regulation

Emotional regulation can be hard for any young person. Here we look at some of the reasons behind why that is, as well as strategies to support autistic learners.

12th January 2024

4 mins read

Our autism journey

Hear from Nirvana, parent of a 4-year old autistic boy, on her journey through diagnosis and the importance of talking, sharing and support networks for parents

2nd October 2023

4 mins read

Autism, feeding and eating challenges

89% of autistic children have some form of difficulty with feeding behaviours. Here, Carrie talks through some common issues around eating and strategies to support

24th May 2023

6 mins read

Autism – women and girls

We take a look into the school experience for autistic girls as well as the possible pitfalls of the current diagnostic criteria which is leading to under-diagnosis amongst women

8th March 2023

5 mins read

Autism and sleep

Sleep problems affect over two thirds of autistic children. In this blog, find out the most common sleep issues amongst autistic children as well as strategies to support.

23rd February 2023

4 mins read

Challenging the sensory issue

Sensory challenges can have a significant impact on autistic people's everyday lives. We take a look into the sensory systems to find out why this is and some strategies and tools to support.

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