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Empowering People, Launching lives

2021-22 Lunch and Learns

In 2021-22 we ran a series of short webinars on a variety of topics related to autism: from communication, to transitions, to preparing for independence.

Each session covered a specific topic and was run by an expert from our organisation. Take a look below to watch the recordings from the webinars.


Presenter Session title
David Anthony, Head of Research and Learning

Developing person-centred plans for better outcomes

Bernadett Rankasz, Head of Early Years

Our bus is on diversion: the importance of early intervention and building parental resilience

Matthew Wicks, Outreach Consultant

Managing change: transitions big and small

Elizabeth Robinson, Head of Post-19

My life in the future: ensuring independence for all

Emily Ross, Specialist Vocational Advisor

Opening doors into employment for autistic individuals

Tom Bailey, Head of Therapy Services

Autism and communication

Kieran Bird, Director of Education

All of us, all of the time: effective multidisciplinary team working


Developing person-centred plans for better outcomes

David Anthony, Head of Research and Learning

We explore what person-centred plans are, and why they are effective in building provision and support for autistic learners. We share templates and resources which can be used with learners of all ages.

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Our bus is on diversion: the importance of early intervention and building parental resilience

Bernadett Rankasz, Head of Early Years

All parents have the same goal for their child’s future – to give them a happy childhood, make them feel loved and support their development in the best way possible to help them grow into independent adults. For parents with autistic children, their journey might look a bit different – they might have a few extra stops or need to follow a different route, however with the right support they can reach the same destination. Discover what this support can look like.

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Managing change: transitions big and small

Matthew Wicks, Outreach Consultant

We all deal with change in our lives – from life-impacting events to smaller, daily occurrences. These changes affect everyone in different ways, which means we may need more support than others to help us manage. Listen in for practical solutions and support, based on the principles of Behaviour Analysis, that can help everyone cope with transitions, however big or small.

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My life in the future: ensuring independence for all

Elizabeth Robinson, Head of Post-19

How do we effectively prepare learners for an independent life, when often society is prejudiced against it? During this webinar we look at the idea of Preparation for Adulthood, and discuss ways in which we can creatively teach young adults to share their aspirations and dreams, while giving them the skills to become as independent as possible.

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Opening doors into employment for autistic individuals

Emily Ross, Specialist Vocational Advisor

The national statistics around autistic individuals who are currently in work paint a clear picture – that people face barriers in accessing and staying in employment. We’ll delve into some of these statistics and barriers, discuss how the world of employment needs to change and offer up strategies from our employability toolkit that can improve access to meaningful employment for more autistic people.

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Autism and communication

Tom Bailey, Head of Therapy Services

Discover ways in which you can support communication within the autistic population, and learn some simple strategies to use in the classroom to champion the communication needs of all children and young adults. We also explore social communication in the context of the dyad of impairment.

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All of us, all of the time: effective multidisciplinary team working

Kieran Bird, Director of Services

In this session we examine how no single discipline can work in isolation, it takes all of us, all of the time to secure positive outcomes for learners. We discuss how collaborative thinking and broader perspectives complement the development of realistic and functional long-term goals and accuracy of assessment.

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