Every child is entitled to an education. Schools will occasionally make the decision to exclude a child if they have broken the school’s code of conduct.
Children with Special Educational Needs are 4.5 times more likely to be excluded for a fixed period or permanently than pupils with no special educational needs [1].
There are a number of simple things that every school can do to make their classrooms more inclusive. Download our top tips for inclusion.
Exclusions should be a last resort and must be proportionate, fair and lawful. If for any reason you don’t agree with the schools’ decision to exclude your child, you can appeal to the school’s governing body. A meeting should be held where a decision will be made to either:
- Uphold the exclusion, or
- Tell the school to reinstate your child, either straight away or on a particular date
If your child has already returned to school or has started at a different provision, the governing body can still meet to consider if the decision was justified.
If the decision is upheld and you want to continue your challenge, you are entitled to a review with assistance from an SEN expert from your Local Authority.
At BeyondAutism, we are working hard to increase inclusion. Our Outreach and BeyondAutism Fast Responder® services work with schools and Local Authorities to provide training or support with specific learners.
Further information and advice can also be found in the following places: