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Autism book in aid of BeyondAutism

11th June 2024

Front cover of 'For Fox Legs'

Swift as a fox darting through the forest, ‘For Fox Legs’ leads you on a merry chase through the linguistic escapades of an 11-year-old autistic boy.

Join Aarav and his mother Aps as they bring you into their world of autism. Lovingly written by Aps using the phrases or made-up words of her son, For Fox Legs aims to help children (and adults) understand their autistic peers by seeing the world from a different perspective.

Aps has generously chosen BeyondAutism to receive proceeds from every sale of the book as a way of supporting our services and work. You can grab your copy here!

“Words don’t come easy to [Aarav] and stringing them together is quite a task! Not one to give up, he’s found his own quirky way to interact with words. Together, we’ve written “For Fox Legs” – a book capturing his “nonsense words” to decode and make sense of the mystery that is autism.” Aps Bangur

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