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Empowering People, Launching lives

Uley C of E Primary School

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01453 860350

Uley C of E Primary School, Woodstock Terrace, Uley, Dursley, Gloucestershire GL11 5SW

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Uley CE Primary School provides additional teaching and learning support for my child’s additional needs in a number of ways. If a child is on an Education Health and Care Plan (EHC) from September 2014 or previous Statement of SEN (pre September 2014), the targets / objectives and funding requirements on the EHC or Statement will be followed with support given as stated. All staff involved with the child will work to the requirements. If a child is on the additional needs/concern register and/or the SEND register, he /she will receive support or interventions appropriate to meeting his / her needs, for a period of time that will allow suitable time for progress to be made. This could either be 1-1, small group in class or withdrawn as appropriate. If a child is on the SEND register and has external agency support such as Speech & Language Therapy, Advisory Teacher support or Medical Needs, the child will receive support or interventions appropriate to meeting his / her needs, for a period of time that will allow progress to be made. The child may have occasional contact with the external agency at school to support their needs. The agency will advise the school in supporting his / her needs.

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