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Empowering People, Launching lives

SPACE Support Chesham and South Bucks

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Family support / information services






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SPACE is a parent-led group that meets monthly for a friendly coffee morning with speakers and discussions. They began in September 2005 with support from Parent Partnership (now SENDIAS) and they have about 25 parents and grandparents who attend regularly. They provide support, advice and information to parents and carers of children with ADHD, Autistic Spectrum Condition and those with Challenging Behaviour.

They meet monthly – usually the third or 4th Wednesday in the month between 10am and 12 pm – and you may just turn up or email them. This group is just for adults. Further details are on their website. They also have a Facebook group – SPACE Chesham and South Bucks.

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Registered Office: Ashurst LLP, London Fruit & Wool Exchange, 1 Duval Square, London, E1 6PW