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Empowering People, Launching lives

Hartpury C of E Primary School

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Autism specific

Contact information

01452 700446

Hartpury Primary School, Over Old Road, Hartpury, Gloucester, Gloucestershire GL19 3BJ

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Hartpury C of E Primary School is a school that has a strong Christian ethos, purpose-built in 2000, with three mixed-age classes and a separate class for the school’s Reception cohort. Hartpury welcomes children from all backgrounds and abilities and strives to meet the needs of each individual in order to provide a positive and nurturing educational experience. The school has a wide range of resources and a dedicated team of staff to ensure all children achieve their full potential. All children and young people with SEND are valued, respected and equal members of the school. As such provision for pupils with SEND is a matter for the school as a whole. All teachers are teachers of pupils with SEND. The Governing Body, Headteacher, SENCo and all other members of staff have important responsibilities to ensure access to the Curriculum. All pupils have the entitlement to a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum. All pupils with SEND are taught for all/most of the week with their peers in mainstream classes by class/subject teachers and study the curriuculum at the appropriate level for their ability. Pupils may sometimes be taught be a TA/teacher on an individual or small group basis.

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