AutiQuest is highly focused on solving a huge problem – the under employment of autistic individuals. We made an App specifically designed to help them succeed in job interviews. We also train autistic job interviewees and interviewers via Zoom video.
The App comprises over 100,000 words of info. and has 100’s of tips to help autistic interviewees get over the dreaded job interview hurdle. There is a huge section 10,000 section to support and advise interviewers too.
We plan to set up an office in Chatham where autistic individuals will have paid employment – email us for more info.
Autistic and looking for work? Email us and we will post your details on our Job Link job board.
What are the issues addressed by AutiQuest’s App?:
• To disclose or not disclose?
• Reasonable adjustments/accommodations
• How do you confirm the interview?
• Not knowing the interview structure/timings
• Not knowing what venue/interviewer will be like
• Handling tricky ice-breaker/small talk
• Lack of processing time & information overload
• Not knowing what questions will come up
• Fast paced & multi-layered questions
• Ambiguous & hypothetical questions
• Misreading nuance & non-verbal cues
• Getting pace & tone of speech right
• How long to speak/when to stop speaking
• Getting distracted/losing focus/going blank
• Interruptions derailing interview
• Not knowing how to “sell self”
• What questions to ask & when
• Body language/eye contact issues
• Sensory over-stimulation
• Extreme anxiety & stress
• Avoiding a dreaded meltdown
• Being judged/fear of failure
Autistic people often become superstar employees if only they can get the jobs! The diversity of their thinking and approach should be valued and harnessed. Their unemployment can lead to social exclusion and mental health can decline – this can’t go on.
Find us at Google Play and App Store or visit our website.